Saturday, February 5, 2011

Another week has gone by, and although I wasn't expecting much progress this week, since I wasn't training (bloody cough) I still had some good progress!

Bicep:  17.0"
Forearm: 12.75"
Thigh: 26"
Stomach (handles): 40"
Chest: 47"
Waist: 39.1"
Neck:  16.5"
weight: 99.6kg (219lbs)

So lost a few kg, some fat, some muscle (due to a lack in exercise Im thinking) either way Im happy, If I lose any muscle I never have trouble gaining it back in 3 or 4 weeks with minimal fat gain so I may have to throw a 2 or 3 week cycle in there sometime to gain some back with minimal fat (plenty of cardio, more food - but strict on being quality food). When losing this kind of fat, I'd glady sacrifice I small amount of muscle, would be a different story if I were naturally skinny, but in my case fine.

So recap - 4 weeks in

lost half an inch on the arms - meh
Forearms, chest and thighs have barely moved - good
Lost 2.5 inches around love handle area - awesome
Lost just under 1.5 inches around waist
Lost 8kg (17.6lbs)

 I think since the incehs being lost at my wasit a far higher than inches on my arms, thats a good ratio! Can't wait to get back into training this week and shred even more fat. :)

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